Sometimes it’s hard to wake up, get your day started, then keep a great attitude when remembering all of the chaos happening in our world.
Between political turmoil, California wildfires ravaging the west coast like never before, environmental destruction, and the cost of things in general rising seemingly weekly, there’s a pull toward the noticeably negative rather than the perfectly positive these days.
All of these events can and will undoubtedly get the best of us, affect our mental health, and stunt any forward motion we put into play if we allow these things to do that.
But we can also choose not to permit that. We can choose to be of a different thinking. We can decide that we will not let the negativity of the happenings around us enter our peaceful and positive mindset. We can make the decisive choice to be joyful and happy while in a world that offers us an unsavory environment.
We can choose strength over fragility. Power of mindset over weakness of thought. Love and peace over war and destruction. We can make it through this season of disruption and change. And we can do that together.
Below I have listed 23 ways we can begin and continue this process. Collectively as a whole, our entire world can make such a change if we only try. If we only put forth a focused effort.
Take a look at my list in this post and decide where you will start the change within yourself. With what specific actions you will take to create your own forward motion. With the changes you will influence others to take by the example you lead.
We can have mindfulness is times of chaos. Here are some ways to do that:

1. Observe Innocence
One way to keep mindfulness close is to watch small children in their innocent simplicity. They haven’t yet been influenced by society that they can’t fly at that point in their life.
They have no worries yet. Nothing holding them back from doing anything. Just an overabundance of innocence, joy, laughter, and an incredible power to do just about anything.
It’s amazing what our world and the people in it do to children as they grow into adulthood to convince them that they actually can’t do anything. That limiting belief is placed on their beautiful minds and souls.
It’s a tragedy really. Imagine what we would be like today if nobody ever touched our open and infinite selves from birth onward! We would be capable of moving mountains right now!

2. Realize That It Has to Start with You
Any true change or shift in behavior begins with you. You have to understand this in order to take responsibility for your life.
You don’t have to be a certain age for this to take place, have a certain social status for it to work, or have accomplished a specific level of achievements in your life for this to make sense.
It’s something that is just decided, then implemented. It really is that simple.
By making the decision to change, improve, restructure, or remedy anything in your life that doesn’t bring you joy, you shift the tide of your inner belief system and change begins to happen in your world. It has to start with you.

3. Practice 4-7-8 Breathing
I know I’ve mentioned this before in earlier posts. That’s okay because it’s worth repeating!
The practice of this breathwork technique is a simple yet effective way to calm emotions, slow ourselves down, and literally catch our breath when unsavory situations and anxiety get the best of us.
Our heart rates rise, our faces turn a shade of pink it doesn’t usually turn, and our defenses kick in. To turn the dial of stressful excitement down to a reasonable and manageable level, 4-7-8 breathing comes in to save the day.
In a nutshell, this is a fairly easy technique that requires little effort, but some focus.
You simply breathe in for 4 seconds. Hold that breath for 7 seconds, then slowly release that breath for 8 slow seconds afterward.
It might seem strange in the beginning, but don’t knock this until you try it. And give this a chance.
I was one of those people who tried it and gave up for a brief period of time. But I came back to it, gave it a fair chance, and now I can’t imagine not having done this before!

4. Tackle One Problem at a Time
You know that word…overwhelm! It’s one of those things that can take us over and certainly ruin our day if we allow it to.
I am a sticky note queen! Not only do I love the sticky note process, but I tend sometimes to have so many that it does create some overwhelm for me.
Whether the paper version or digital display on my computer screen, that’s going to eventually happen no matter what I do.
The trick for this one is pretty much a no-brainer, but it has to be done for it to work. What’s this no-brainer trick? Taking one problem, issue, or task at a time! And it’s not as easy as it sounds.
It takes effort, patience, and a positive forward motion mindset to create the process of organized calm. So, take one problem – one sticky note – at a time. You’ll see how much easier, calmer, and more efficient your day goes if you do!

5. Realize Not Everything is Your Fault
In the past, I was a glutton for punishment with nearly everything in my life. In friendships, in my relationships, at work (that was a huge one!) Then one day I had the realization that I deserved better.
Why was I taking the blame for everything everybody else was doing, ruining, complicating, breaking, and screwing up!?!?
I started standing stronger, holding my head up higher, and not being so willing to be the punching bag for others’ insecurities, errors, bad habits, and mental health issues. I chose to start pushing back and standing on my own two feet.
This, I admit, did take some time to get better at as my life pressed onward. I had a lot of guided instruction, supportive friends, and meetings with others who shared the same issue that all helped me overcome this problem I realized I had experienced for way too long.
When somebody or something happened that I would normally take the blame for or feel inclined to “buffer” the pain for another’s mistakes, I didn’t automatically carry that load on my shoulders any longer.
I began to say “no” mentally and emotionally. And I changed my behavior to suit that. It literally changed my life.
Now, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t take responsibility for something that was your fault. Take that position, apologize for the mistake, then explore ways to correct it. And learn from it as well.
But if it is something having to do with another person, don’t take the responsibility to make them feel better. It’s just not worth it.

6. Set Healthy Boundaries
Having a set of healthy boundaries lets others who normally don’t have any boundaries know straight away that you are not to be taken advantage of, used and abused, or taken for granted.
Boundaries not only help to keep you free of the things you are not in favor of, but it also sets a firm line and alerts others that they can’t push you around or think they can get whatever they want from you anytime they want it.
You do not deserve that. You did not ask for that. And you did not go looking for that.
Some people are of a different mindset than you are. They have no idea what mindfulness is. They don’t stop for a moment to consider how the other person feels. They don’t make room in their experience to even analyze what they’re doing.
They just carelessly and recklessly do it, not caring who they hurt.
And the more people allow them to continue that behavior, the more they will continue doing it to others thinking it is acceptable.
But it’s not. You are an important contribution to this universe. Don’t let anyone make you believe differently!

7. Have a Good Work-Life Balance
For some people, getting up early in the morning and getting dressed while scarfing down some sort of breakfast on the way out of the door, hopping into their vehicle, sitting in traffic for 2 hours, clocking in, and having a structured routine for 8 to 10 hours a day, then sitting in traffic another 2 hours after work is over, getting home and collapsing because they have absolutely no energy remaining is fine for them.
I admire those career soldiers out there. I was one of them, so I can put myself into that category as well. That was for a time anyway.
But after a long time, I wasn’t such a fan of the long hours, stressful work relationships with coworkers and employers, tough commutes of wasted time, and overall headaches dealing with it all.
So, I decided to build a business, work for myself, make my own hours, and be my own boss! I cannot say how much of a lifestyle change for the better it has had on my life!
The health benefits alone are now worth so much more than what I dealt with for nearly half my life working “out there.”
You may be of a different thinking, and that’s perfectly fine. But for me, the move to having my own business was a life changer and still is to this day.

8. Tap Into Your Creative Side
Right brain activities, or those creative things we enjoy doing, are so energizing and enlightening.
Just taking one evening or day a week to attend a painting or drawing class, a scrapbooking group, a jewelry-making course, a writing class, a pottery get-together, even a beading or sewing circle can enhance that creative part of ourselves and give us a much-needed outlet for expression.
For example, I love swishing my wet paintbrush bristles into a clump of beautiful azure watercolor paint then letting it flow across a blank canvas with a swipe of the brush.
That’s called being mindful even when we’re being creative. Paying attention to the bristles and how they move across blankness then create something out of nothing is pure delight for me.
Pay attention to all of these things when you partake in any creative activity. You just might see and appreciate something you never did before.

9. Go for a Walk
At the park, around the block, even to the mailbox is a start! It’s all about baby steps. Start small. Increase slowly.
Feel the energy come back to you as you continue improving. Make the habit stick.
I recently had a conversation with a girlfriend of mine about our exercise habits. We both agreed we need to start being more diligent in our physical activity at our age.
Both for health reasons as well as just feeling better. We promised each other we would start with small increases in our daily physical movement.
Even if it’s just running up and down the stairs at our homes, taking a steady walk around the block once, or even a trek to the end of the driveway and back a couple of times counts!
We check in every day, even if it’s just a simple quick text, to report what we did (or didn’t) do. So, now we’re accountability partners!
Having someone in your life to create a support system with one another is a great way to stay encouraged, keep that continued forward motion, and feel good about your accomplishments!

10. Read Books That Open Your Mind
There are so many terrific reads out there that stimulate thought, insight, understanding, joy, and education. I have always been an advocate of books about self-improvement and the enrichment of the mind.
Try authors like Eckhart Toll, Mel Robbins, and Melody Beattie.
I am reading a terrific book right now called “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Toll and I can tell you that it is life changing for me!
Mel Robbins and Melody Beattie focus more along the lines of self-improvement, releasing yourself from codependent tendencies, and getting yourself set up to live your best life.
They too, are extraordinary authors with loads of helpful and amazing information to share.
The idea is to stay open to possibility and new things and continue enriching your mind and expanding your thoughts with ideas you never thought possible!

11. Take a Break
If you’re like me and you have your own business, sometimes you just need a break from it all. Get outside, stretch your legs, and take a breath of fresh air.
Sit on your porch swing or sit on the steps and admire nature with a glass of cold lemonade, sparkling water or whatever your preference (or the time of year) calls for and just be still.
Do nothing but be in the present and get thoughts of the future and past concerns out of your mind. Just be. Just sit mindfully. Just take a minute for yourself in the present moment.
Sometimes a break for even 15 minutes can refresh us, clear our minds, and allow us to reset and get back to our work or whatever we were doing with a relaxed and ready feeling.
This is also part of a healthy self-care routine. Taking breaks, whether in an office environment, in your home office, or somewhere else can always offer that respite we need in order to start anew.

12. Don’t React Emotionally
I know this is a tough one. And I agree, when the emotions are running at a 13 on a scale from 1 to 10, it can be difficult to stop ourselves when we’re in that kind of position.
We’re partially in defense mode, partially in shock because we cannot believe how the other person is behaving, and partially in flight or fight mode.
I experienced a lot of this before, but now I try my best to create environments that don’t cater to that type of situation occurring.
Sometimes we’re stuck. Make a living or take a stand for yourself and what you believe in. You have to do what’s best for you.
I find that being in a more comfortable, controlled, peaceful environment and being able to work remotely from my home office or wherever my travels take me provide for a platform to be myself without being ridiculed, abused, or taken advantage of.
It’s what works for me. It took many years to realize that needed to be done, but looking back I am glad I finally took an action that should have been done long ago.

13. Remember How Important Self-Care Is
Never, never, never (did I say never?) take self-care for granted! That is one of the most important things that can help get us through daily stress, anxiety, and the potential for suffering that this world throws at us on a constant basis.
Find a meditation class, do some deep breathing, take that art class, go get that massage or jump in that bubble bath in the middle of the day if you have to.
Do something to take care of you! It is so vital to our sanity, our bodies, and to maintaining a stable existence in general.
Self-care gives us permission to be appreciated, loved, and at times even pampered. It keeps us moving ahead in a positive direction and keeps our focus on feeling good instead of not so great.
We deserve this self-care. If anyone tells you that you don’t deserve it, they’re dead wrong! Don’t listen to their nonsense and go ahead and take care of you. Nobody else is going to do that as well as you can.

14. Do Something You Love
Do you enjoy cycling along a scenic roadway? Does the idea of throwing a frisbee to your dog at the park spark excitement? Are you a self-pronounced chef who likes to cook and entertain?
Then do something about it! Go out and do what brings you joy!
Finding what stirs your soul, then taking action to involve yourself in that is fun and exciting. It puts a smile on your face, a spring in your step, and makes you feel alive!
Why wouldn’t you want that? Hobbies, favorite pastimes, new activities with friends or even by yourself – whatever gets you excited, go do that!

15. Remember Your Importance
Never let your importance as a human being be demeaned by a situation or another person. Doing so diminishes your inner light and joy. It’s not a good feeling. And I know that you know it’s not.
Instead, stand strong with yourself and your inner power to be who you are without fear, reach for those goals you have without hesitation, and prove to yourself that you are worth every breath that you take.
Because you know what? You are!

16. Organize Something
That ever-increasing pile of paperwork. That to-do list that never seems to get done and continues to grow longer and longer.
Those appointments that need to be made that haven’t seemed to be scheduled yet. The pile of dry cleaning that should have been taken to the cleaner’s a week ago.
These are all things that would have been done already with good organization.
Start with an hour each day to get yourself organized. Get a blank piece of paper, write down the most important things that need to be done and list from those most important items at the top to the least important at the bottom.
Then start at the top and do that one thing in that hour. If you have time left over, then get started on that second item on the list.
Continue on until that reserved hour is up. Then pick things up again the next day with where you left off and utilize that next reserved hour to get at least one more item checked off your list.
Before you know it, you will have completed all of your items on that list, and probably a few more!

17. Find a Distraction
Finding a good distraction to deter your thoughts from chaos to calm works wonders.
You want to turn the focus of what you’re stressing about around and instead focus on something more constructive by using a distraction that requires attention and focus.
Try repainting a wall in your home a different color, repairing a loose button or hem that has come unraveled, reorganizing your coffee cabinet in the kitchen, or tidying up the screened porch.
Something along the lines of an activity that will steal your attention away from the negative and redirect your focus onto what you are involving yourself with in that moment.

18. Get to Bed Earlier
Pretty common wish for a lot of us, I think. Getting to bed earlier and maybe not staying up until midnight watching those comedic talk show hosts put their own spin on the day’s events could help you gain at least two additional hours of needed slumber each night!
Instead of drifting off to sleep with the television left on into the wee hours of the next morning, try instead to shut all technology down and plan a healthy sleep routine.
Some ideas might include a diffuser in a beautiful dispenser on your nightstand, a battery-operated candle that has a timer for easy shut off, a sound machine to lull you to dreamland to the sounds of ocean waves, black-out curtains, a lavender-infused bubble bath before bed, a comfy sheet set that doesn’t make you too hot or too cold while you sleep, or a cup of warm milk with a sprinkle of nutmeg.

19. Enjoy a Hot Soothing Cup of Herbal Tea
Speaking of things to help with your sleep routine, how about herbal tea! Instead of slugging down those evening cocktails to take the edge off your day and forget your anxiety for a few hours, try herbal tea instead. Especially before bed.
This is something I started doing a while back that I really enjoy. A great tasting steaming cup of hot tea in a beautiful teacup and saucer can offer a healthy option for calming yourself and creating a more relaxing and enjoyable pre-sleeping routine.
Even the smell of the warm liquid seems to help with anxiety and stressors you might be having.
So, go ahead and stock up on your favorite flavors, try some new ones, and enjoy the peaceful experience of calming herbal teas!
It’s a healthy and enjoyable experience that will wrap you in its warm arms of aromatic bliss.

20. Vacuum Your House
I know, I know. Why vacuuming? Well, I find that when I vacuum, it sends my anxiety into a much lower category. Everything is clean and beautiful and that makes my brain go easier on itself. The ego is tamed a little bit, and I can remember that I have purpose.i can also think more clearly. It’s as if when my surroundings are messy and cluttered then so is my mind.
If vacuuming isn’t your thing, try any kind of cleaning. It could be glass tables and windows, wooden furniture, wiping down the inside of the refrigerator or polishing up the stainless-steel appliances. Even folding the laundry.
Whatever you choose, notice how you feel afterward. You clean something, you redirect your concentration from your negative thoughts to something that requires focus and attention, and you lower the level of your stress a few notches.

21. Plant New Flowers or Fresh Herbs
Planting florals and plants takes some effort to redirect your mental focus from your anxiety to something that requires action, concentration, and your direct attention.
The colors, aromas and beauty of plants and flowers or herbs will fill you with joy and you’ll have a beautiful potted plant to enjoy afterward.
Smell the different aromas, take in the beautiful pops of vibrant color, and realize that you’re helping the earth’s offerings spread their glorious appearance even farther!
You can always snip a few fresh flowers or herbs and take those to a friend or use for your own recipes at home!

22. Go For a Drive
There’s just something about taking a ride to get away from things. If you live around a coastline or a body of water, even better!
Hop into that vehicle and drive your concerns away (at the speed limit, of course!) Put the top down if you have a convertible or open the window if not and breath in the fresh air, feel the warm sun on your skin, and maybe even notice things you never did before!
You’d be amazed at the shift in your attitude about things when you change your environment. I have found that environment can make or break a feeling you have.
It can change frustration to understanding, anger to joy, and sadness to laughter. It’s all in your attitude.
And sometimes a ride enjoying what’s around you all of the time, every day can wake you up a little and help you appreciate those things a little more.

23. Just Walk Away
Sometimes the best thing to do is just walk away. Whether being ridiculed by others, not agreeing with a group of friends about something they’re saying or doing, or just not feeling like you’re in a favorable position, it’s okay to remove yourself from that environment.
This doesn’t mean you are a coward, a chicken, or a poor sport. It means that you are practicing self-care, looking out for yourself, and deciding that you’re not happy.
Why keep yourself in a place where your unhappiness increased because you want to fit in with others or be seen as the cooler person? There’s just no need. You deserve more than that. So go get it!
Those are my 23 tips for staying mindful in a chaotic world while remaining sane at the same time. May you take some or all of these ideas and use them to your benefit.
And remember that gratitude, despite what we deal with on a daily basis, is key to getting through it with the least amount of difficulty.
The way we see things can be changed miraculously in a minute if we truly want that to happen. Our minds are very powerful if we control our thoughts and shift our focus toward positivity.
We can do this together. Collectively.
Instead of fearing changes happening all at once at a breakneck speed in layer upon layer of uncertainty, let us remember that the way we see the world and what’s happening in it can be altered with practice, patience and the unique power within us.